
We have assembled a qualified staff who has your child’s best interests at the heart of their teaching and ministry. Our staff is privileged and honored to be entrusted with the education of your child. We are a traditional school in a traditional classroom setting following old school methods. We believe that the bible is a storehouse of knowledge. Therefore, it is our foundation that we use to help build and strengthen our students spiritually as well as academically.

We are a member of the American Association of Christian Schools and the North Carolina Association of Christian Schools. These associations enable us to remain abreast of current methods and materials. Our students also benefit from enhanced and varied opportunities to compete with students from other Christian schools in fine arts and athletics. We also offer college credit courses to our seniors through Mitchell Community College.

In our K4 – 6th grade classes we use the highly-regarded A Beka curriculum published by Pensacola Christian College. Throughout our 7th – 12th grades, we use a mixture of both A Beka and Bob Jones curriculum. These curriculums are God centered and structured for students to achieve their greatest academic potential.


Here at Southview Christian School, we desire to see our young people gain a better understanding of God and His purpose for their lives. We have highly-qualified elementary teachers who love to teach and, most importantly, want to see their students grow spiritually.  We are a ministry of Southview Baptist Church; therefore, Christian principles are taught in every class, chapel, and activity. We believe that God gives every parent the responsibility to educate their child and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of our Lord. For this reason, we desire to be an aid to parents in accomplishing this spiritual goal.

Through dedicated teachers, we offer a top-of-the-line phonics program that will begin to establish the building blocks to a solid and firm educational foundation. Our teachers are well-equipped to give your child the quality education they need.

Through parental involvement, our parents are encouraged to participate in our ministry. They often plan classroom parties and aid in our fundraisers, fall carnival, library, and fine arts program. We also believe our students’ grandparents are important. In September, a program is planned as Grandparent’s Day is observed.

Through spiritual emphasis, we are concerned with our students’ spiritual growth;  therefore, we hold a weekly chapel service. This service is used as a tool to reinforce the Bible principles that are daily being taught in our classrooms. We believe Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Middle School

Middle school is a very difficult transition time for many children they are in the first stages of becoming a teenager. Our middle school teachers, know that our students will be experiencing a staggering amount of change during their adolescent years. This transition is particularly experienced in their brains. In fact, our students are experiencing the second greatest brain growth of their lifetime while in our classrooms.

Here are some interesting facts about the middle schooler’s mind:

  • Middle schoolers typically have a 10-12 minute attention span.
  • The brain growth between the ages of 10-15 is the second greatest growth in human life.
  • Adolescents misinterpret emotions and instructions up to 40% of the time.

We will help our students get through this transition period with create ways in teaching. A great start to helping our adolescents focus while their brain is developing is to teach mini-lessons. Although we have a 90 minute block schedule, we will offer ” brain resets”. This could include giving students an opportunity to change tasks and allowing them to practice and demonstrate what they are learning. Teaching with five short activities rather than one long lecture is a great way to keep developing brains thirsting after more knowledge.

As the brain develops, all the unused connections are getting “pruned” away. At the same time, other connections are getting strengthened. It is our job as a Christian school to keep Christ in the connections that are being strengthened.

High School

Southview Christian School requires successful completion of an academic program that exceeds the mandated requirements for the state of North Carolina. All students at SCS are considered to be collegebound. To graduate, a student must accumulate a minimum of 24 credits in grades nine through twelve, including one credit in Bible for each year at SCS.

Graduation Requirements

25 Total Credits (Core Classes: 22 Credits; Electives: 3 Credits)

Bible (4 Credits - 1 for each year enrolled in high school at SCS)

English (4 Credits)

  • English 9
  • English 10
  • English 11
  • English 12

Math (4 Credits)

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Advanced Math* or Consumer Math

Science (3 Credits)

  • Physical Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry*

History (3 Credits)

  • World History
  • U.S. History
  • Government/Economics

Physical Education/Health (1 Credit)

Language (2 Credits)

  • Spanish I
  • Spanish II

Speech (1 Credit)

Electives (3 Credits)

  • Keyboarding
  • Computer Application
  • Creative Writing
  • Home Economics (Food Preperation)
  • Yearbook**

*Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of Algebra II.

**Entrance into Yearbook by special administrative permission only.

SCS will not permit early graduation by a student who wishes to take a summer English credit in order to grad­uate early. In order to graduate from SCS, the final semester must be taken at SCS. 

Honor Roll: Academic Achievement Honor Roll (A & A/B) will be recognized at the end of the year and certificates will be based on final grades.

“A” Honor Roll: Students in grades 1-12 are considered A Honor Roll when they receive a final grade of 93 or above in all classes. 

“A/B” Honor Roll: Students in grades 1-12 are considered A/B Honor Roll when they receive a final grade of 85 or above in all classes. 

American Christian Honor Society: Students entering 11th grade, who meet the established criteria, will be considered for induction into the South view Christian School chapter of the American Christian Honor Society. New members are inducted each spring. 

The criterion for induction includes: 

  1. Scholarship-maintains a cumulative scholastic average of 92% (3.68 GPA)
  2. Leadership
  3. Service
  4. Character

Students in the American Christian Honor Society fulfill their responsibilities in the area of service by being involved in various community projects. Should a member's GPA drop below 3.68, a probation period of one semester will be given to bring the grade up. After that, the student will be removed from the ACHS.

Graduating with Honors: A student must have a 3.7 GPA to graduate with honors from Southview Christian School.

Junior Marshals: The top three students in the junior class with at least a 3.4 GPA will be selected to serve as junior marshals.

School Organizations and Activities:

  • Morning Prayer Group
  • American Christian Honor Society
  • Coming Soon: Student Government
  • Yearbook


  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Cross-Country
  • Golf
  • Soccer (Fall and Spring)
  •  Volleyball
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